The classic writer is not interested in mirroring the personal processes of her thought; certainly she is not interested in mirroring her personal sensations or emotions. Yet, since her only motive for speaking is the felt importance of what she has to say, she reveals herself through the topics she chooses and what she says about them.

Geen ironie. Geen relativering. Geen scepsis. Geen moraal. Geen interpretatie. Observatie.
Motief en doel: truth can be known, truth can be presented, waarheid is voor iedereen toegankelijk.
Geen proces, geen twijfels, geen aarzelingen, die zijn er wel, maar die zitten niet in het geschrevene.
De classic writer dekt zich niet van te voren in tegen eigen onwetendheid. Hij rechtvaardigt niks: elk onderwerp is waard om over te schrijven, elk woord doet ertoe.
Paradoxically, classic style requires a strong revelation of personality even as it subordinates what is merely personal.
Classic style leest alsof de woorden spontaan in iemand opkomen.
Classic prose lijkt op een goed gesprek tussen twee gelijken.
Hierbij is helderheid belangijker dan accuraatheid.
Classic style is not reflexive style. It’s a style for performance, not questioning its own competence.
Classic style is niet te verwarren met plain style of het gebruik van common wisdom of clichés.
People are weak and common wisdom is often self-serving.
Classic style is het resultaat van denken dat vooraf plaatsvindt.
Classic style introduces sophistication and individual responsibility.
Classic style introduces analysis, critical validation.
A classic writer has done the thinking personally.
‘The truth is pure and simple,’ is plain.
‘The truth is rarely pure and never simple,’ is classic.
Classic style values both simplicity and nuance.
‘Grace is simple,’ is plain.
‘Grace is simple, from the perspective of God,’ is classic.
Classic style requires adult experience, intelligence and a willingness to do the work.
Classic style is therefore aristocratic: you have to achieve it.
Classic style is elite.
Everybody can achieve it.

Clear and simple as the truth, writing classic prose, Francis-Noël Thomas & Mark Turner